Bastard Nation http://www.bastards.org/
Bastard Nation advocates for the civil and human rights of adult citizens who were adopted as children. Millions of North Americans are prohibited by law from accessing personal records that pertain to their historical, genetic and legal identities. Such records are held by their governments in secret and without accountability, due solely to the fact that they were adopted. Bastard Nation campaigns for the restoration of their right to access their records. The right to know one's identity is primarily a political issue directly affected by the practice of sealed records adoptions.
Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute http://www.adoptioninstitute.org/
The Institute's goals are to identify the best information on adoption available and analyze and synthesize that information and make it available to the adoption community. Currently has survey results on the reunion of the first generation of Vietnamese adoptees held in Baltimore in 2000, and also has informaion concerning the international gathering of Korean adoptees held in Washington, D.C. in 1999 (http://www.adoptioninstitute.org/proed/korean.html).
Families With Children From China http://fwcc.org/
FCC is a nondenominational organization of families who have adopted children from China. The purpose of FCC is provide a network of support for families who've adopted in China and to provide information to prospective parents. The purpose of this site is to consolidate the information that has been put together by the families of FCC, in order to make it easier for future parents to consider adopting from China.
Holt International http://www.holtintl.org/
Holt International Children's Services is recognized as the unparalleled leader in the field of international adoption and permanency planning for children. Holt pioneered the concept of inter-country adoption in the 1950s in response to the needs of orphaned children in Korea. In the four decades since, more than 100,000 children have found permanent homes through adoption and other child welfare programs of Holt International Children's Services. Holt is a non-profit organization licensed to work in all 50 states through a network of local direct service agencies.
Korean Adoptee Adoptive Family Network http://www.KAANet.com
KAAN networks groups and individuals related to Korean adoptions. The network facilitates dialogue, promotes resource sharing, and disseminates information. KAAN works closely with its members, the Korean American community, and the Korean government to promote awareness of Korean adoption issues and develop programs that will benefit both the adoption and Korean communities.
National Adoption Information Clearinghouse http://www.calib.com/naic/
The Clearinghouse is a national resource for information on all aspects of adoption for professionals, policy makers, and the general public. Clearinghouse services include technical assistance to professionals and policy makers, a library collection, publications, databases on adoption resources, and information on Federal and State legislation.
North American Council On Adoptable Children http://www.nacac.org/
The North American Council on Adoptable Children is committed to meeting the needs of waiting children and the families who adopt them. Since its inception, NACAC's mission has remained essentially unchanged: Every child has the right to a permanent family. The Council advocates the right of every child to a permanent, continuous, nurturing and culturally sensitive family, and presses for the legal adoptive placement of any child denied that right.
PACT- An Adoption Alliance http://www.pactadopt.org/
A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization begun by two adoptive parents in 1991, Pact has developed a national reputation for excellence in serving all members of the adoption triad. Pact's goal is to create and maintain the internet's most comprehensive site addressing issues for adopted children of color, offering informative articles on related topics as well as profiles of triad members and their families, links to other internet resources, and a book reference guide with a searchable database. The site provides reprints of past Pact Press issues, as well as opportunities to interact with other triad members and to ask questions of birth parents, adopted people, adoptive parents and adoption professionals.
P.O.V. Point Of View http://www.pbs.org/pov/
FIRST PERSON PLURAL is a presentation of Point of View (P.O.V.), public television's annual award-winning showcase for independent non-fiction films. Passionate, powerful and frequently poignant, P.O.V. films - regardless of their subjects - are ultimately personal and unvarnished reportage on our lives.
NAATA National Asian American Telecommunications Association (NAATA)
NAATA's mission is to present stories that convey the richness and diversity of the Asian American experience. The organization accomplishes this by funding, producing, distributing and exhibiting films, videos and new media to the broadest audience possible.
Independent Television Service http://www.itvs.org/
ITVS brings independently produced programs to television - programs that engage creative risks, advance issues, and represent points of view not usually seen on commercial or public television. ITVS is committed to programming which addresses the needs of under-served audiences, particularly minorities and children. ITVS seeks to create and promote independent media that will expand civic participation by bringing new voices and expressiveness into the public discourse.
Television Race Initiative http://www.pbs.org/pov/tvraceinitiative/
The Television Race Initiative (TRI) is a multi-year effort in which diverse, character-driven, high-profile television broadcasts create a spine for sustained community dialogue and problem solving around the issue of race relations. In partnership with national and community-based organizations, TRI uses storytelling - initially in the form of several public television broadcasts -sto 'break the ice' and encourage essential conversations that lead to constructive action.
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